Laser Hair Removal
How does laser hair removal work?
If you are tired of shaving, plucking, or waxing unwanted hair, laser hair removal is a safe, non-invasive, permanent alternative. Dr. Tolson is able to treat large areas of the body at a time with little to no discomfort and no downtime. Laser hair removal leaves the skin feeling smooth and is safe for all areas of the body. Essentially, concentrated pulses of light are used to destroy the hair follicles where you want the hair removed, permanently getting rid of unwanted hair. Because some follicles are dormant at the time of treatment, multiple treatments are necessary to get rid of all the hair.
Who should consider laser hair removal?
Not everyone needs laser hair removal. Individuals who have dark hair and light skin may desire to have hair removed permanently on specific areas of the body, especially if the hair is making them feel self-conscious. Even individuals who have lots of light hair may want to consider having it removed. Those who are currently removing unwanted hair by waxing or electrolysis and are tired of constantly repeating the process should consider laser hair removal.
What goes into laser hair removal?
At your initial consultation, Dr. Tolson evaluates whether you are a candidate for laser hair removal. Be prepared to discuss
- Your medical history, including any previous cosmetic treatments you have undergone.
- Your current medical conditions.
- Your allergies.
- Your tobacco, alcohol, and drug use.
- Your current medications, vitamins, and supplements.
Once Dr. Tolson has determined that you are a candidate for laser hair removal, he goes over pre-procedure instructions with you. These include
- Staying out of the sun or wearing sunscreen to protect the area that is going to be treated.
- Using a bleaching cream if you have darker skin.
- Avoiding waxing, plucking, or using electrolysis on the area to be treated.
Although laser hair removal is non-invasive and has no downtime, to ensure that you have no complications, Dr. Tolson may ask you to
- Avoiding aspirin, anti-inflammatories, and herbs that may thin the blood.
- Stopping smoking and using tobacco products as tobacco inhibits the healing process.
Laser hair removal is an outpatient procedure that takes fifteen to thirty minutes and is performed in Dr. Tolson’s state-of-the-art, AAAASF-certified operating room in Cumming, Georgia. The first thing Dr. Tolson does is trim the hair to millimeters above the skin. A cold gel or cooling device is applied to the area to protect the skin from the laser. He then does a test to procedure, ensuring that the laser is correctly set for your pigmentation.
Once the laser is calibrated for you, he directs the laser spot by spot to the areas that need to be treated. Active hair follicles are destroyed immediately, but dormant follicles remain untouched, requiring follow-up appointments to destroy all the follicles in the area. When Dr. Tolson is finished, he applies an ice pack, cold water, or anti-inflammatory creams to soothe the treated skin. You need three to eight treatments four to eight weeks apart in order to get all the hair follicles.
Because laser hair removal is non-invasive, there is no downtime for recovery. You do need to use specially formulated skincare products and to wear sunscreen to protect the skin as it will be extra sensitive after being treated with the laser. Since dormant hair follicles grow every two to eight weeks, you need to schedule a follow-up treatment four to eight weeks out.
Laser hair removal is permanent. Once all the hair follicles have been destroyed, you should never need to have hair removal done again on that area.
Rather than resigning yourself to having a beautiful face with age spots and wrinkles elsewhere, consider what laser resurfacing and laser hair removal can do for you.
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Plastic Surgery Services

Meet Dr. Tolson
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Michael Tolson is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Put Dr. Tolson’s years of cosmetic plastic surgery experience to work for you.
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